Curriculum vitæ


Assistant Professor Center for Frontier Science
Department of Physics, Graduate School of Science
Chiba University
April 2023 - Present
Specially Appointed Assistant Professor Center for Frontier Science
Department of Physics, Graduate School of Science (from October 2022)
Chiba University
June 2022 - March 2023
JSPS Research Fellow
(Research Assistant Professor)
Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics
Kyoto University
April 2021 - June 2022
JSPS Overseas Research Fellow Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris
Sorbonne Université, CNRS
April 2019 - March 2021
JSPS Research Fellow for Young Scientists (DC1) Department of Physics
The University of Tokyo
April 2016 - March 2019
Advanced Leading Graduate Course for Photon Science Department of Physics
The University of Tokyo
October 2014 - March 2019

Affiliate Position

Visiting Associate Scientist Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe
The University of Tokyo
May 2023 - Present


Ph.D. in Physics Department of Physics, The University of Tokyo March 2019
Master of Science in Physics Department of Physics, The University of Tokyo March 2016
Bachelor of Science in Physics Department of Physics, The University of Tokyo March 2014

Long-term Research Visits

Invited Researcher Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics August - September 2023
Invited Researcher LPENS, Département de Physique
École Normale Supérieure
April 2021 - February 2022
Invited Researcher Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris
Sorbonne Université, CNRS
May - July 2016, October 2017 - January 2018
Invited Researcher Department of Physics, Yale University April - May 2016

Teaching Experience

Exercises for Fundamental Physics II
Department of Physics, Faculty of Science
Chiba University
April 2023 - July 2023
Teaching assistant: Exercises in Physics VI
(Electrodynamics, Statistical Mechanics)
Department of Physics, Faculty of Science
The University of Tokyo
October 2015 - March 2016
Teaching assistant: Analytical Mechanics Department of Physics, Faculty of Science
The University of Tokyo
October 2014 - March 2015


  • Astronomical Society of Japan
  • Physical Society of Japan
  • Société Française d’Astronomie et d’Astrophysique
  • European Astronomical Society

Prizes and Honors

The Research Award of Faculty of Science (Master's programme) The University of Tokyo March 2016
Undergraduate Exchange Program, UTokyo-Princeton Strategic Partnership Initiative The University of Tokyo and Princeton University September 2013
Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists Japan Society for the Promotion of Science April 2022 - March 2025
Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Fellows Japan Society for the Promotion of Science April 2021 - March 2023
JSPS Overseas Research Fellowships Japan Society for the Promotion of Science April 2019 - March 2021
JSPS Overseas Challenge Program for Young Researchers Japan Society for the Promotion of Science October 2017 - January 2018
Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Fellows Japan Society for the Promotion of Science April 2016 - March 2019
90th Sachio Hayakawa Fund Astronomical Society of Japan June 2015